Monday, November 18, 2013


So many quotes and famous references made to time and the management of such yet we still seem to waste her so much. On things and people who dont deserve it chasing a dream only to find out it really aint about shit. Time the most precious resource we have yet we misuse and abuse her so bad but soon as the shit hit the fan we so quick to say what we would do to have her all back ...


Moments that were once sacred are now tainted simply cause the whole truth came out. It was memorable and what I thought to be the breaking of new ground til your secrets were exposed and shut that down. Now what everything I found to be wholesome and cool destroyed by lies and make me look like a fool. Sometime u win some times you lose guess karmas a bitch in red high heel shoes.....

Friday, November 8, 2013


We all heard it before the first step to solving a problem is admitting that there is a problem in the first place. Accountability is defined as : The obligation of an individual or organization to account for its activities, accept responsibility for activities. Accepting responsibility and acknowledgement are not one in the same. Acknowledgement is a great start but acknowledgement with justification and excuses doesn't equal ownership. Ownership is not a pity party either. I hate those victims that own the mistake only for sympathy, attention, or to soothe the other involved parties with no real intention of fixing the mistake. Growth and development require action to be successful. A man of woman who lack the ability to take ownership for their actions will never truly grow or develop to their true greatness. Excuses and justifications are the enemy of growth and progression. If you lie to yourself you will lie to others for sure. No matter what it is own it and proactively work on it til it is something you don't mind owning......

Friday, November 1, 2013

1st Corithians Chapter 6 Verse 12

"Everything is permissible for me"--but not everything is beneficial. "Everything is permissible for me"--but I will not be mastered by anything." I don't often discuss religion in any public forum but you don't have to be religious to follow me on this one. This section of the chapter is dealing with sexual immorality yet can be applied to any social setting and be equally beneficial. Growing up everyone said it, hell it was a weekly statement for some of us. If you dint say it you either lying or was a special case lol. What is this statement? I can't wait until I'm grown so I can do whatever I want. Even as adults when others tend to judge or disagree with our actions its a common defense; I am grown I can do what I please and I don't care who don't like it. Permissible is defined as permitted or allowed. By now we all know just because you can do it doesn't mean its good for you. People at the age of 18 and above are permitted to purchase tobacco. That doesn't mean that cigarettes don't lead to cancer and death. People 21 years of age and above are permitted to purchase alcohol but the consumption of alcohol in excess is linked to death or serious injury of people on a daily basis. Mom would always say what looks good to you isn't always good for you. Freedom is dangerous for some. Being allowed to or permitted blurs limits and overindulging can be the by product. Some things and or persons don't initially show themselves as non beneficial until its far too late. The person or thing used in excess usually is when it shows through as harmful and often times its far too late at that point. The writer also says "I will not be mastered by anything". I didn't interpret this as slave owner to slave type use of the word master but master as in control. We all talk about our independence and our ability to control what goes on in our lives but do we really have control? Sometimes we get so involved that we don't initially realize that we have lost control. Just because you weren't forced to do it or knowingly went thru with it doesn't mean you were in control. How many people do you think actively wake up and make bad decisions on purpose? Consistent events of poor decision making is usually a sign of lack of control. Whether its alcohol, drugs, sex or money we make excuses and justifications to appear in control. For some its fame and popularity that will have them living beyond their means merely to be accepted and viewed in a certain light. Its easier to justify things away then admit that you lost control. Choices and decisions or the lack of them usually determine the outcome of any situation. All things are not good for us simply because we can access them as we choose. Making choices and decisions that are beneficial to our well being is a great sign of being in control. You don't have to be a religious fanatic to find this particular scripture relevant or at worst thought provoking...

Living vs Existing

Living:the pursuit of a lifestyle of the specified type Existing:To live at a minimal level Two very similar words but not exactly the same. Though these definitions are very general they work very well for the way that I think. Of the two living is ideal. In order to pursue anything it takes action but if you are living at a minimal level how much resource to have for such action? Simply going thru the motions, having minimal success and growth is no fun for anyone. Proactively making choices and decisions in order to achieve a desired outcome is not always easy but surely it has to be more enjoyable than just existing. Everyone has a struggle and every one will have a unique battle that is meant for them to experience in order to live a lifestyle of specified type. I seriously doubt the desired or specified lifestyle that is being pursued is one of minimal gain or minimal progress. What are you in pursuit of and does your current situation really allow you to actively pursue it ? Are you living or merely existing? Do you know the difference...

The Jonah Complex

The Jonah Complex is the fear of success which prevents self-actualization, or the realization of one's potential.[1][2] It is the fear of one's own greatness, the evasion of one's destiny, or the avoidance of exercising one's talents.[1][3] Just as the fear of achieving a personal worst can motivate personal growth, the fear of achieving a personal best can also hinder achievement. Potential what a great thing to have. Some folks draw strength from knowing and having their potential recognized by others. Then there are people like myself that feel potential is merely a piece of the puzzle. Potential don't feed kids nor pay bills. I remembered being asked by Dr. Goodman many years ago "son do you have a fear of success" back then it didn't make much sense but in recent years I find myself revisiting this conversation. The Jonah Complex was one of the first things I found as I began to see if such a fear even really existed. I have been told many times before that I can be pessimistic at times, but if the end result of many situations always ends up with you taking a lost then pessimism may easily become the way you perceive the world in which you live in. If you take out a piece of paper and drew a line right down the center, labeling one side good one side bad which side would have the most data? Bad things that happen tend to stay in the front of your mind often detaching you from the belief that good things can happen. Why put my best foot forward? So others can take credit for my good deed? Should others benefit more than I do or for it to be abused and for granted? Is a thank you too much to ask for? We all heard it before "perception is reality". When struggling becomes the norm and losing becomes all too familiar to you its easy to lose sight of potential, and find no gratification in striving for greatness because the scars of previous attempts have yet to heal. Jonah complex or simply a phase time will tell........